Delight in Disorder Ministries
Tony Roberts, Chief Shepherd
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
(Psalms 37:4)
Revealing Voices podcast Season 8 is underway!
My Biggest Thanks is Grace by Ray Lehman
My biggest thanks is the Grace that God provides. This Grace can only be given as a gift and it is undeserving. If I were to be aware of the awesomeness of God but had no Grace that was available to me, I would go mad, or more mad than I already am, as I have been diagnosed with schizoaffective type bipolar disorder. Jesus provided a way where there was no way. God had showed us that blood must be shed for the forgiveness of our sins. All the way back to Cain and Abel and the sacrifices they provided to God. Jesus was the Lamb of God to be the final and ultimate sacrifice for the sins of those that would believe and receive His gift of ultimate redemption with the Father and indwelling of Their Spirit, the Holy Spirit. We see with Abraham and Isaac the story being [...]
A Glass Half-Full/Half-Empty: An Interview with Laura Riordan
Laura Riordan is a Business Development Manager for a successful, renowned IT staffing and consulting firm and lives in the Philadelphia suburbs with her significant other and biggest supporter, Chris, and their blended family of 5 kids - and a dog! Laura has faced the battles of bipolar since early childhood and was diagnosed in college after her first full blown mania. She loves being a mental health advocate and sharing her story with those suffering with mental health challenges to remind them that they are NOT alone. She has facilitated meetings and participated on the board of a local DBSA (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance) peer led support group for 20 years. Laura’s blog is and you can find more of her work at and After years of listening and learning from others in support groups, Laura developed an analogy for bipolar and depression based on the cliched "You [...]
When God Sends a Cardinal by Helen Sarver
There is an old folklore saying that, “When God sends a cardinal, it’s a visitor from heaven.” My mother was a collector of cardinal figurines and placed them in pairs throughout the house. For the most part, I paid little credence to her red-feathered friends until after her death in 1999. A week following her service, I was walking from the mailbox and a female cardinal landed on the front porch. She began chirping wildly, as if she was saying, “Good morning, Helen!” Another amazing appearance of my “cardinal family” happened in March of 2001, two months after my father passed away. My sister and I were in Florida facing the task of taking care of our parents’ house. I stayed at the house alone the final two days. As I left their house that final time, two cardinals were perched on the front porch railing. My eyes filled with [...]
Eric Riddle is on the Verge
What are you looking forward to this Advent?
ADVENT 1. the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event. 2. the first season of the Christian church year, leading up to Christmas and including the four Tomorrow marks the first Sunday in the liturgical season of Advent. For Christians, it is a time to look forward to the gift of the Christ child, the babe born in an stark animal manger in a feeding troth. It is a time to look back on the reason for the season but also look ahead to the coming of Christ who one day, in God's own time, will restore heaven and earth and bring peace and reconciliation to Jew and Gentile.the Christ child, the babe born in an stark animal manger in a feeding troth. It is a time to look back on the reason for the season but also look ahead to the coming of Christ who one day, in [...]