“What Will Become of Me?” said my Inner Child, by Dan Staub

Today's blog post is written by my friend, Dan Staub, who wrote this as part of a memoir class. Tony I am afraid to tell my story. Many times I have shared anecdotes about my life in some relevant conversational situation but there is no way I can tell MY STORY. One reason for my hesitation is that my story is very much still in progress. Another reason is that my remaining living siblings would object to, I imagine, my interpretation of our family's history. The risk of pushback against and criticism of my voice speaking in this world prevents me from sharing my story with those whom it may help. Timidity. Anxiety. Cowardice. There are true details in my story that contradict what are seen as acceptable, normal and allowable behaviors. The consequent problems and my DIY solutions, for better or for worse, also defy convention. The miracles are [...]

“What Will Become of Me?” said my Inner Child, by Dan Staub2024-08-26T13:03:19-04:00

BipolarBrave 2024 Awards – Winners x2!

We are pleased to share that Delight in Disorder Ministries was honored in two categories of the BipolarBrave 2024 Awards! These awards recognize work done to "educate, enlighten, and transform the way society and the church perceive and treat those with mental illness". Tony was interviewed by Katie Dale after the announcement. Read the exclusive interview on her blog: BipolarBrave Awards Exclusive Interview: Tony Roberts     BipolarBrave Mental Health & Faith Award for Influencer - third place to Tony Roberts BipolarBrave Mental Heath & Faith Award for Broadcast - tied for third place to Revealing Voices podcast Thank you, Katie!

BipolarBrave 2024 Awards – Winners x2!2024-08-26T13:03:19-04:00

My Biggest Thanks is Grace by Ray Lehman

My biggest thanks is the Grace that God provides. This Grace can only be given as a gift and it is undeserving. If I were to be aware of the awesomeness of God but had no Grace that was available to me, I would go mad, or more mad than I already am, as I have been diagnosed with schizoaffective type bipolar disorder. Jesus provided a way where there was no way. God had showed us that blood must be shed for the forgiveness of our sins. All the way back to Cain and Abel and the sacrifices they provided to God. Jesus was the Lamb of God to be the final and ultimate sacrifice for the sins of those that would believe and receive His gift of ultimate redemption with the Father and indwelling of Their Spirit, the Holy Spirit. We see with Abraham and Isaac the story being [...]

My Biggest Thanks is Grace by Ray Lehman2024-08-26T13:03:20-04:00

A Glass Half-Full/Half-Empty: An Interview with Laura Riordan

Laura Riordan is a Business Development Manager for a successful, renowned IT staffing and consulting firm and lives in the Philadelphia suburbs with her significant other and biggest supporter, Chris, and their blended family of 5 kids - and a dog! Laura has faced the battles of bipolar since early childhood and was diagnosed in college after her first full blown mania. She loves being a mental health advocate and sharing her story with those suffering with mental health challenges to remind them that they are NOT alone. She has facilitated meetings and participated on the board of a local DBSA (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance) peer led support group for 20 years. Laura’s blog is https://tamingthebipolarbeast.com and you can find more of her work athttps://oc87recoverydiaries.org/bipolar-support-groups/ and https://betterbecausecollective.org/stories/ After years of listening and learning from others in support groups, Laura developed an analogy for bipolar and depression based on the cliched "You [...]

A Glass Half-Full/Half-Empty: An Interview with Laura Riordan2024-08-26T13:03:20-04:00

The Daily Message 2024

Would you like to join me on a journey of reading through the Bible in a year? It just takes a commitment of 10-15 minutes a day for a whole life transformation. I have done this with a variety of translations in the past and this year I am using as my guide The Daily Message by Eugene Peterson. I would like our group chat to be edifying and encouraging. My aim in this group is to foster dialogue, to engender your honest words about God’s holy Word. It is not so much to answer questions as an expert but raise questions so together we can better be “stewards of the mysteries of God.” A few tips from my four decades of reading through the Bible. 1) Begin with prayer asking God to speak to you through the Word. 2) Consider this more a “formational” study. Read less for mere [...]

The Daily Message 20242024-08-26T13:03:20-04:00

What are you looking forward to this Advent?

ADVENT 1. the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event. 2. the first season of the Christian church year, leading up to Christmas and including the four Tomorrow marks the first Sunday in the liturgical season of Advent. For Christians, it is a time to look forward to the gift of the Christ child, the babe born in an stark animal manger in a feeding troth. It is a time to look back on the reason for the season but also look ahead to the coming of Christ who one day, in God's own time, will restore heaven and earth and bring peace and reconciliation to Jew and Gentile.the Christ child, the babe born in an stark animal manger in a feeding troth. It is a time to look back on the reason for the season but also look ahead to the coming of Christ who one day, in [...]

What are you looking forward to this Advent?2024-08-26T13:03:20-04:00

Brain Balm; Volume 1, Issue 1: The Day the Voices were silenced.

"There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole."** **Songwriters: Nana MOUSKOURI / Roger LOUBET   Balm in Gilead lyrics © Raoul Breton Editions Brain Balm is a once weekly newsletter exploring topics related to faith and mental illness. This week, and this week only, you will receive bonus devotions taken from my first book Delight in Disorder, available through Amazon. It started when I was taking a test Mr. Lang's Algebra II class. I was a precocious sophomore. I heard a voice. It started in my brain then shifted to the walls, the ceilings around me. "You're stupid. You're a phony. You are a failure." What started as one voice became two, three, ten, a cacophony of chaotic voices that would become my constant companion for over three decades. I have sought the best psychiatry. I have found a measure of relief to cope with the symptoms, but no lasting relief. [...]

Brain Balm; Volume 1, Issue 1: The Day the Voices were silenced.2024-08-26T13:03:23-04:00

My Little Brother, a guest post by Catherine J Rippee-Hanson

A lifelong social activist, and serious mental/brain illness advocate & writer - maneuvering through tragedies that have led down many different paths.  One of a set of identical twins who now work together to advocate and personally challenge our broken mental healthcare system.  Also known as the 'Twin Tag Team' after 34 years of tending to the needs of our brother. He had a horrific accident in 1987, resulting in a TBI and loss of his eyes.  Three years later he began showing symptoms of Schizophrenia w/Psychosis with chronic and persistent Anosognosia.  He has been homeless for 14 years while we have sought LPS conservatorship, supervised housing, care and treatment. Author of personal blog, "Am I Not My Brother's Keeper?" and Administrator of the private Facebook group, "Mark of Vacaville," and Facebook page, "Twisted Sisters Advocacy & Activism for Serious Brain Disorders." Dear Mark, I have learned so much from you.  Despite experiencing tremendous pain, [...]

My Little Brother, a guest post by Catherine J Rippee-Hanson2024-08-26T13:03:25-04:00

Let Go, Let God: a guest post by Lauren Roskilly

Lauren is a mum of two beautiful children. She has a BA Hons in Health and social care and also a diploma in CBT. Lauren became a born- again Christian in 2004. She is transparent about her ups and downs with mental health, depression, anxiety and self- harm. But God helped her with these and she has learnt to refocus from the negative and towards Christ. She practices being mindful of Him, thus the name of her blog ‘Mindful of Christ’. She is the author of ‘Christian based Cognitive Behavioural therapy.’ A Speaker and a Christian Life Coach where she helps people to recognise & overcome limiting beliefs & negative mindsets and help them to discover and step into their God given purpose. Have you ever thought that you need to let go a bit more? I mean, do you ever go through life thinking you need to be in [...]

Let Go, Let God: a guest post by Lauren Roskilly2024-08-26T13:03:25-04:00

Hope for Troubled Minds: From a Whirlwind Romance to Lasting Love

This is my love letter to my wife Susan. We have been together now for three years and have experienced as much joy and sorrow than many couples together for fifty. We now live in our own home with our devoted lab Briley. We enjoy listening to music, Facetiming grandchildren, taking drives through Brown County state park, and visiting with family.     Susan, When we first met we went on a whirlwind romance that was magical. It also had some of the marks of a manic episode, but it was much more than this. I was not psychotic; we were crazy in love. We talked for hours on my trip to New York and back. I stayed up through the night making a playlist filled with your favorite music and selections that would soon become “our songs.” We still listen to it on quiet date nights, look over at [...]

Hope for Troubled Minds: From a Whirlwind Romance to Lasting Love2024-08-26T13:03:27-04:00
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