Delight in Disorder: Ministry, Madness, Mission2025-02-26T18:01:54-05:00

Delight in Disorder Ministries

Tony Roberts, Chief Shepherd

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
(Psalms 37:4)

Revealing Voices podcast celebrates their seven year anniversary!

Season 8 is underway with new episodes, Haikasts, and “Healing Stories” – testimonies of the people, places, and things which contribute to a sober, sane, serene life, and the foundation of faith that makes it all possible.

Desert Dispatches – Devotional Emails Launching in March!

Join our mailing list to receive these spiritual reflections. These brief meditations on life in recovery amid dual diagnosis are designed to lift your spirit no matter where you are in your journey.  See this page to join the list!

Proving God: A Testimony To His Presence Amidst My Mental Illness

A while back, I met Tony Roberts in the circles of online mental health advocacy. Funny, but I don't know exactly how. I suppose I'll have to ask him. After meeting virtually and guesting on his and Eric Riddle's podcast, we collaborated by guest posting on each other's blogs. With Tony taking a sabbatical and me filling in at the moment, I revisited the guest post he contributed on my BipolarBrave blog six years ago. Today I want to contribute to the Delight in Disorder blog with Tony's words from that post in 2018. I hope you are reminded of Tony's grit, his unwavering faith, and the One who has continued to care for Tony and those of us clinging to the thread of our Savior's garment. Katie's Note: Tony and I collaborated to guest post on one another's blogs. Check out my guest post The Secret To Finding Sanity [...]

By |September 6th, 2024|Categories: faith, Mental Illness|Tags: |Comments Off on Proving God: A Testimony To His Presence Amidst My Mental Illness

A Check Up From the Neck Up

It's 3 o'clock in the morning. I am listening to the Beatles while eating baked oatmeal and drinking raw milk. I am wide awake as the world sleeps. What better time than now to do an assessment of my mental health and update on Delight in Disorder Ministries? After our successful Spring/Summer Hope for Troubled Minds book tours, I returned to my Tiny House on the family farm in Upstate New York rather depleted of psychological and physical energy. I had scheduled a Sabbath rest from public speaking for the month of July. A good friend encouraged me to consider applying to present at the NAMI NY state convention in November. The application deadline was August 1. As the deadline approached, I found myself stymied by the application, almost emotionally paralyzed. I received much encouragement from friends and family. In the end, I decided to take a hiatus from [...]

By |August 3rd, 2024|Categories: Delight in Disorder, faith, Hope for Troubled Minds, writing|Comments Off on A Check Up From the Neck Up

Head-over-Healed (and a little Jesus Crazy) by Katie R. Dale

Head-over-Healed (and a Little Jesus- Crazy) Katie R. Dale Cured from chronic crazy? By no means cured. But healed, yes. By grace, I am ever grateful for the psychiatric medications that I take on the daily. Just the other morning I perused through my old medical records from hospitalizations at 16 and 24. The zany, fanatic, maniacal ways my mind could work! I can't even read my handwriting from back then in the black and white composition notebooks I kept. Most of the manic psychosis hijacked this ability to clearly pen my thoughts, and I stand amazed at the obvious (to me now) absurdity where my mind went. It was like I had been abducted and someone else was living in my body and brain…not far from what I believed happened while in that state of mind. Suffice to say, that person no longer exists. And I am so [...]

By |July 19th, 2024|Categories: faith, Family, Guest Posts, Mental Illness, Spiritual Reflections, writing|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Head-over-Healed (and a little Jesus Crazy) by Katie R. Dale

Pick up Your Pen and Write ✍️

“If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.” — Martin Luther. “There is nothing so tragic as the untold story inside you.” — Maya Angelou. Writing has been part of my vocation for half a century. My writing has dropped off a good bit of late — both in terms of frequency and effectiveness. Recently I’ve been giving some thought to stepping away from my chosen/appointed vocation and finding something else to do with my time. After all, I am on disability and writing does not exactly provide me a stream of income. What difference would it make if I stopped? Couldn’t I be of better use doing something else? In lieu of just quitting, I have wandered the wilderness wasteland of Facebook. I have met many friends who have given me great support. But I have also concluded, at least for me, at least [...]

By |July 14th, 2024|Categories: Delight in Disorder, faith, Guest Posts, Hope for Troubled Minds, Spiritual Reflections, writing|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Pick up Your Pen and Write ✍️

“What Will Become of Me?” said my Inner Child, by Dan Staub

Today's blog post is written by my friend, Dan Staub, who wrote this as part of a memoir class. Tony I am afraid to tell my story. Many times I have shared anecdotes about my life in some relevant conversational situation but there is no way I can tell MY STORY. One reason for my hesitation is that my story is very much still in progress. Another reason is that my remaining living siblings would object to, I imagine, my interpretation of our family's history. The risk of pushback against and criticism of my voice speaking in this world prevents me from sharing my story with those whom it may help. Timidity. Anxiety. Cowardice. There are true details in my story that contradict what are seen as acceptable, normal and allowable behaviors. The consequent problems and my DIY solutions, for better or for worse, also defy convention. The miracles are [...]

By |June 25th, 2024|Categories: Guest Posts, Uncategorized|Comments Off on “What Will Become of Me?” said my Inner Child, by Dan Staub

BipolarBrave 2024 Awards – Winners x2!

We are pleased to share that Delight in Disorder Ministries was honored in two categories of the BipolarBrave 2024 Awards! These awards recognize work done to "educate, enlighten, and transform the way society and the church perceive and treat those with mental illness". Tony was interviewed by Katie Dale after the announcement. Read the exclusive interview on her blog: BipolarBrave Awards Exclusive Interview: Tony Roberts     BipolarBrave Mental Health & Faith Award for Influencer - third place to Tony Roberts BipolarBrave Mental Heath & Faith Award for Broadcast - tied for third place to Revealing Voices podcast Thank you, Katie!

By |May 15th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on BipolarBrave 2024 Awards – Winners x2!
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