Disclosing in Dating: How I Reveal My Mental Illness

I took the leap. I joined a dating site. I've cast my net. Now all I need to do is let my Beloved swim in. I will then pull her into my boat. My love boat, if you will. Easy peasy. What can go wrong? As a female friend has told me my stock has gone up in my 50s. I think she meant this as a compliment. That I have aged well. Either that or women my age have lowered their expectations. Things have gotten off to a great start on the site. I've found a good many women I would go out with. I've contacted some and a few have responded. I've had extended chats with two of them. Tomorrow morning I meet one for coffee. I'm looking forward to it. I'm eager to discover together who we are, what are our shared passions and our unique qualities. [...]