To my Delightful friends —
Good News!
Six months sober, sane, serene!
I’ve been sober for:
0.50 Years
6.00 Months
184 Days
4,423 Hours
Posted on Empower Alumni page —
“As God would have it, I connected with Empower Health Group on Day 1. Y’all have journeyed with me each step of the way. Only God knows what lies ahead. I don’t know what the future holds but I know Who holds the future. And thanks be to God and those I’ve met at Empower, I know I am not alone.”
Posted on Facebook —
To all my FB friends who supported and continue to support me in recovery — I first accepted my Higher Power (God) over 50 years ago when I asked Jesus to be my personal Lord and Savior. Since then I have been in a desert wasteland facing many temptations to put addictions to people, places, and things before devotion to God. Six months ago I surrendered my futile efforts to exercise my self will. Immediately God sent angels like you to minister to me through prayer, encouraging words, and acts of kindness. Thank you for all you do and for who you are!