Hope for Troubled Minds
Tributes to Those with Brain Illnesses and Their Loved Ones
This anthology of letters and photos will serve to celebrate our humanity and contribute to advocating for those often counted as “the least of the least,” those with brain illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar, schizoaffective disorder, and major depression.
Orders for the Kindle and hardcover versions are now available at Amazon.
When Despair Meets Delight
Tony’s prior work, available now
When Despair Meets Delight
Stories to Cultivate Hope for Those Battling Mental Illness
This book is about mental health ministry. It’s not a “how-to” book. I can not tell you what will work in your ministry setting. Instead of answering the question, “How do we do mental health ministry?” I want to challenge you, “What difference can we make for those impacted by mental illness?”
To do this, I will tell stories of my own life and ministry. Statistics are essential, but unless they are enfleshed with stories, they won’t lead to change.

Delight in Disorder
The story of one pastor’s battle with bipolar disorder
This spiritual memoir is a house of meditations where faith and mental illness co-exist, at times fueling each other to dangerous distortion, at times feeding each other to fruitful gain. It offers hope for those often neglected and shunned. It also fosters compassion for believers towards those with troubled minds.

“This book is honest about the experience of living with bipolar disorder, and it’s full of compassion toward the many people whose own moods betray them so treacherously.”

“Tony reveals the truth in the notion that none of us are as we should be, but, that even in the midst of our darkest days, none of us are ever alone, either.”

“I find it to be a book of hope – one that’s firmly rooted in God’s compassion and faithful presence whatever the storms of life and mental illness may bring.”

My name is Tony Roberts.
I am a Christian and I have a serious mental illness.
Many of my friends who also have troubled minds wonder how it is I would hold onto faith after such an agonizing spiritual struggle with insanity.
Many of my brothers and sisters in Christ wonder how my mind can be so disturbed if I am a believer.
I believe faith and medicine, prayer and pills, worship and therapy are God’s essential graces to promote healing.
So, I’m telling my story in the hope of sharing Good News with those who have unquiet minds and shattering stigma about mental illness within and beyond the faith community.
I hope you’ll join the conversation.
Tony Roberts, Author
Delight in Disorder: Ministry, Madness, Mission