Yesterday, I published this blog post about the “mixed state” I’m now experiencing. Immediately, encouraging words and uplifting prayers came pouring in. For this, I am very grateful. Knowing I am not alone in this battle gives me more confidence to endure.
But the attacks remain fierce. On my morning walk today, voices were yelling at me all the things I’ve done wrong in the past and how I am bound to fail in the future. It is not a coincidence that the Adversary is advancing the war as my ministry grows stronger.
One of my readers, Paul M., suggested I appeal to my friends and readers to engage in collective prayer for me as I walk through this valley. So, I am doing just that. I would appreciate your hopeful thoughts, encouraging words, and, particularly your uplifting prayers.
I need your prayerful support. I believe God hears the prayers of his people. God answers all prayers. God may bring a miraculous healing. God may want me to endure suffering so I might lean further on essential grace, but even this is an answer to prayer.
I have been so blessed by the responses that have come in so far. I want to share some of these with you, to give you the sense of how we are in this together and perhaps encourage those of you who have similar struggles:
The Psalm that has been suggested to me when I am in distress. I want you to find peace stability and balance. Praying for you brother that Gods genuine love sends a wind of The Holy Spirit to hover over and heal cure deliver and unbound you from the intruder within you. Feel better and get some rest. ~ Patsy S.
Hugs to you from Iowa. So glad you have your faith to guide and comfort you. ~ Leslie C.
Dear heavenly Father, I ask in the name of Jesus Christ that tony feel your abundance of love and healing swirling around him causing the adversary to leave. Lord, let his conscience always be reminded that good triumphs over evil and in the eye of the storm look to Jesus. Envelop him in your love dear god and give him respite from these symptoms ~ Jill C.
I am praying for peace for you, Tony. Also, that you can release all that is fearful to you. May He lead you to the rock that is higher than you are. ~ Bev S.
It must be awful. I am praying for you Tony. ~ Jacqueline L.
Prayers for you Tony that you have peace and are able to continue your most valuable ministry. ~ Linda R.
Love you Tony! I can’t express how thankful I am to know someone that so courageously shares their issues with bipolar disorder. I’m sitting here with tears of anguish and thankfulness. I have several people in my life that struggle with this. Your openness helps so much in my ability to relate to, and to help, them. May God Pour Out His Love, Peace and Hope Upon You! ~ Ellis B.
Father, I ask you to help Tony put on the spiritual armor that will protect him from harm and help him stand before the enemy. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen. Ephesians 6:11 “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” Ephesians 6:11. ~ Tina G.
Just know if need to talk I am here. ~ Michael T.
You are in my heart and prayers, Tony. Your kindness and prayers have helped me so much and I appreciate you. My prayer is one of thanks to God for putting you in our lives. ~ Donna M.
So sorry for what you are going through. 😦 I appreciate your openness and courage in sharing your symptoms. For those of us who have not personally endured this illness, it helps to understand the behaviors. Although I have watched 3 of my children suffer similarly with SMI, they rarely spoke of the symptoms they were experiencing. The symptoms obviously produce the behaviors we see. It is good to know that you are taking advantage of the resources offered to you for managing the illness. Including prayer.
Personally, I believe all healing comes from our Creator God, no matter the illness or the treatment options we choose.
May He continue to lead you through the dark times, with comfort and peace. 💕 ~ Audrey A.
Gracious Father and Great Physician, we lift our brother Tony to you this morning, boldly asking that you fill him with your presence, speak truth to his mind and peace to his heart. Please grant Susan patience and wisdom as well as she walks this road beside him. We are grateful for Tony’s life and testimony to your goodness and healing and we ask that you give him what he needs most in order to continue to be an effective servant for you. We pray all this in the name of Jesus, Amen. ~ Pam L.
Tony, I am praying for you and with you every day. I haven’t responded much to your posts because I’ve not been on Facebook as much lately. So I hadn’t seen your posts until just yesterday, I think. But I want you to know how very much I appreciate and value that you are able and willing to share your journey, even as you are in the midst of such pain. Your sharing is a gift, in an ironic kind of way… I hope that will give you some measure of comfort, as hard as this is. By reading your posts, it helps the rest of us to understand something that is so hard to comprehend. I send loving thoughts and prayers that this passes and you come safely through very soon. And I thank you for sharing your journey. My heart is with you. ~ Laurie T.
You got this…it sucks royally…but lean on your tribe…you will get through. ~ Lynn F.
Finally, Lisa C., recommended I read Psalm 18, which is one of many Psalms where David praises God for protection. One verse spoke to me most clearly —
He led me to a place of safety.
He rescued me because he delights in me. (Psalm 18.19)
Please pray that I continue to delight in the One who delights in me.