About Katie R. Dale

Katie is a voice of faith and reason, reconciling these within the roles of author, artist, and advocate. Dale advocates for the power found in the God who heals despite life's brokenness. Dale has overcome many losses including her sanity and her firstborn’s passing. Her passion is to communicate dynamic insight to enlighten, and she invites others to discover and develop their “real-ationship” with Christ. She's married to her hero in uniform, Chris, and is a mom to Jaxon in heaven and Kylie on earth, residing wherever the US Air Force takes them -- at the moment, Germany.

No Reason to Lose Hope

This post was originally published on KatieRDale.com here.  On a Facebook group post, a person expressed how they were losing hope in their mind. While I cannot disprove their perspective, I disagree with that philosophy. Here’s my take: Your heart is the primary hope-cultivator, not your mind. Hope starts in the heart, and your heart is the seat of will and desire. When hopelessness moves to your mind, you have a case of despair. When you can’t think or condition, practice, apply, and motivate yourself out of a clinically depressed state of mind (where medications are needed), your heart isn’t going to follow. You have to reset your mind with therapeutic modes of healing (ie. medicine and therapy) to get back into working order. Like a tandem bicycle, your mind and heart have to be aligned in spirit to work together to get out of despair. If one is [...]

No Reason to Lose Hope2024-09-13T01:33:55-04:00

Proving God: A Testimony To His Presence Amidst My Mental Illness

A while back, I met Tony Roberts in the circles of online mental health advocacy. Funny, but I don't know exactly how. I suppose I'll have to ask him. After meeting virtually and guesting on his and Eric Riddle's podcast, we collaborated by guest posting on each other's blogs. With Tony taking a sabbatical and me filling in at the moment, I revisited the guest post he contributed on my BipolarBrave blog six years ago. Today I want to contribute to the Delight in Disorder blog with Tony's words from that post in 2018. I hope you are reminded of Tony's grit, his unwavering faith, and the One who has continued to care for Tony and those of us clinging to the thread of our Savior's garment. Katie's Note: Tony and I collaborated to guest post on one another's blogs. Check out my guest post The Secret To Finding Sanity [...]

Proving God: A Testimony To His Presence Amidst My Mental Illness2024-09-12T11:11:11-04:00
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